Visconti Tuning A90 / A91 Supra Flex Fuel Kit

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What’s included with the kit:

  • Zeitronix ECA2-CAN (Ethanol Content Analyzer)
  • Ethanol Content Sensor 
  • Visconti 3/8 to 5/16 Custom Fitting
  • Visconti 3/8 to 5/16 Custom Fuel Line
  • Visconti Plug & Play Wiring Harness

What advantages does this kit have over other solutions:

  • 100% Plug and Play Kit Fuel Line Kit
  • 100% Plug and Play Wiring Harness
  • Installs in 90 minutes
  • Easy to uninstall, no wires to repair or cut.


  • Zeitronix Ethanol Gauge

EcuTek RaceRom will allow you to datalog ethanol on your computer and phone app. You can also have your tuner hijack the sports display to show ethanol content.

Visconti Tuning is proud to announce a ground breaking offering to the Supra MKV Community! TRUE FlexFuel support for the B58 Platform!! And when we say “true FlexFuel support,” we really mean we’ve created a solution that adapts to the fuel mixture in your tank and adjusts your performance accordingly! This means no more worrying about which map you need to be on, no more running your tank to empty before switching fuels, and no more need to concern yourself with “timing” your fill ups to avoid a) running out of gas, and b) ensuring there’s an Ethanol station close by to make sure you won’t find yourself in the situation where you’re “forced” back into the pumpgas map, simply due to the lack of readily available Ethanol when you need it (as so many of our customers have found themselves in). THIS is the solution you’ve been waiting for! 

But this product isn’t just for our customers who have tasted the performance of Ethanol but dealt with these frustrations; this solution is for everyone that has even remote access to this cutting-edge fuel. If you haven’t had an opportunity to educate yourself about the advantages of Ethanol, there is a wealth of information on these groups you can learn from. But to summarize why this fuel has been one of the biggest game changers for the tuner market in the last few years, is quite simply because it offers much higher octane than regular pumpgas; comparable in many cases to race fuel. It also burns much cleaner (leaving behind little more than good ‘ole H2O), and it’s CHEAP – more often than not significantly less than even 87 pumpgas! These are some serious advantages.

    How does it work:

                  The combination of new fuel lines and ECA allows for a very precise ethanol content reading, which allows us to adjust our calibration in real-time to match the ethanol content. That means for example, if you have half a tank of pumpgas and fill the rest with Ethanol, creating an effective ethanol content of e50 let’s say, our calibration will make crucial adjustments to a variety of factors, like ignition timing, target air/fuel ratios, hot & cold start cranking settings, and max boost settings; all to produce the best performance possible for the current conditions. The higher the ethanol content of the fuel you’re running, the more power you’re going to automatically produce.